Company: Insider ID Ltd.
Representative: Sergej Zafiroski
Position: Managing Director
How would you explain your business in one sentence to your grandmother?
Analyzing the behavior of people and businesses and making decisions based on or altering that behavior to suit your needs.
Where did the idea come from and what problem does it solves?
The deficiency of high-quality information from primary and secondary sources which are analyzed, interpreted in plain language, and visualized in an understandable way. Such information is understandable by the decision-makers and usable for long-term strategies but also the everyday business.
How did you form a team? How do you know each other, why did you decide to work together?
The Insider ID team is a product of a long pursuit for individuals with high personal standards and work ethics.
Was there a moment that almost turned you down?
There were and there will be moments that nearly turned me down. The reasons were from the overall political and economic situation in the country/region to internal struggle to find the meaning of why you are doing what you are doing. Still, in the end, those are situations that pass very quickly, or you are getting used and accept the unconditionally (as the political and economic situation).
The biggest mistake so far?
Tolerating behavior and employees who were not fit for the company.
The most valuable advice you would give to those after you?
Be realistic, set high goals but keep your real capabilities in mind; always use self-reflection; stay focused; and work, work, work, ..... and work a little bit more.
How do you resemble the Bulgarians and how do you differ from them?
We have similar culture-economic threats and the internal “drive” to do international business because all countries from this region have small economies and markets compared to the potential big economies. We differ from the Bulgarians in the starting point for internationalization. While Bulgarians have direct access to the EU markets, thus internationalization is easier, and Macedonian businesses must make an additional step to establish the business in the same market.
Why is Bulgaria a good (or bad) place to start a business?
Bulgaria has a significant advantage compared to Macedonia, because it is part of the EU, has a more dynamic economy, seen foreign trade, economic growth, and market, and better organized higher education. Those three components make Bulgaria an excellent market to expand on.
If you have a magic wand, which partner or investor would you like to bring to the team?
Edward Bernays or Stephan Schwarzman (Blackstone Group).
What are your goals? Where do you want to go from here on out?
Deepening the service portfolio, along with increased internationalization of the business.
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