Art. 1. These Rules have been adopted by the Governing Council of BESCO (Association), pursuant to Art. 17, para. 1 of the Association’s Statute and regulate the terms and conditions for payment of membership fees by the Association’s members.


Art. 2. (1) Each member of the Association is obliged to pay the membership fee under the conditions and procedure defined in the present rules and the Association’s statute.

(2) The Governing Council may, with a reasoned decision, exempt a person from the obligation to pay membership fees. The decision states the reasons for the exemption, as well as the term and conditions under which the person is exempted from the obligation to pay membership fees.


Art. 3. (1) The membership fee in the Association is annual and covers a period of 12 months.

(2) The first 12-month period for which an annual membership fee is due begins on the day of submission of the membership application. Each subsequent 12-month period begins on the day following the expiration of the previous 12-month period.

Art. 4. (1) The first annual membership fee shall be paid upon submission of the membership application, and the applicant for membership shall also present evidence of paid annual membership fee or shall pay such through the Association's online platform when the membership application is submitted online.

(2) Pursuant to Art. 14, para. 6 of the Statute, the membership starts from the date of the decision of the Governing Council for acceptance of the new member. If the Governing Council adopts a decision for not acceptance of a person as a member of the Association, the membership fee paid by that person pursuant to para. 1 shall be recovered.

Art. 5. (1) In case the payment of membership fee is made by debit/credit card through the online platform of the Association, you agree to the activation of automatic renewal and payment of your BESCO membership. In such event, each year on the date corresponding to the date on which the initial payment was made, your account will automatically be charged with the membership fee, in the amount initially selected by you, unless changed by a decision of the Governing Council, for which you will be notified, and your membership will be automatically renewed for a new 12-month period under the same terms.

(2) If the payment pursuant to para. 1 is not made, additional 4 (four) attempts shall be made within the next 7 (seven) days using your chosen payment method. In case, even after the attempts, payment cannot be made, the automatic membership renewal shall be terminated, and the relevant member can contact BESCO and pay the membership fee within 30 (thirty) days as of the date on which the payment should have been made. In this case, the automatic renewal shall be re-activated by BESCO at the request of the member. Failure for payment of the annual membership fee within 30 (thirty) days as of the date from which the new 12-month membership period for which the annual membership fee is due began, is grounds for excluding the member in accordance with the procedure set out in the Statute.

(3) Each member is entitled to activate automatic membership renewal, in case it is not activated pursuant to the conditions of para. 1, by sending a request to the following email address: [email protected].

(4) Upon automatic membership renewal and payment, the relevant member is entitled to request termination of the membership and refund of the amount within 30 (thirty) days from the date of payment. The refund request shall be sent to [email protected]. The Association is obliged to return the amount paid. Termination of membership after the specified period on any of the grounds specified in the Statute shall not create obligations for membership fee refund.

(5) Each member of the Association is entitled to refuse the automatic membership renewal, without terminating its membership, at any time by sending an express notification to [email protected]. In this case, the membership fee is paid pursuant to Art. 7, and the amounts paid up to the date of refusal are not subject to refund.

(6) The automatic membership renewal continues until the membership is terminated on any of the grounds provided for in the Statute, or until an express refusal of the automatic renewal is made pursuant to para. 5.

Art. 6. For making the payments pursuant to Art. 5 The Association uses service providers for electronic payments, which are third parties under these Rules. By using their services, you oblige to comply with the general terms and conditions of these providers. The Association is not responsible for any errors or irregularities related to the use of third-party automatic payment services.

(2) At the moment, payments are made through a virtual POS terminal in a secure environment, provided by the Stripe payment system operator (Stripe Inc.). After completing the payment, information about the type of the card used, the card issuer, country, card validity date, as well as the last 4 digits of its number are transmitted to the Association for confirmation of the transaction.

Art. 7. (1) Apart from the cases pursuant to Art. 5 or when the automatic membership renewal is terminated, the annual membership fee for each subsequent 12-month period shall be paid no later than 30 (thirty) days as of the date on which the new 12-month membership period for which the annual membership fee is due began. In this case, the rule of Art. 5, para. 4 is not applicable.

(2) Failure for payment of the annual membership fee within 30 (thirty) days as of the date on which the new 12-month membership period for which the annual membership fee is due began, is grounds for excluding the member in accordance with the procedure set out in the Association’s Statute.

Art. 8. The Association is entitled to send to members a reminder notice about their membership expiration or that it is about to expire and a payment is due/an automatic payment will be made or a payment has been made.


Art. 9. (1) The amount of the membership fee shall be determined by a decision of the Governing Council taken by a majority of those present.

(2) Any change in the amount of the membership fee, approved in accordance with the order of the previous sentence, should be promptly communicated to the members of the Association in writing or by e-mail, with the new amount entering into force for the relevant member, starting from the date of commencement of next 12 - month membership period.


Art. 10. The membership fee is not subject to refund upon termination of membership on any of the grounds provided for in the Statute, with the exception of the cases pursuant to Art. 4, para. 2 and Art. 5, para. 4 of these Rules.


Art. 11. (1) These rules are adopted by the Governing Council and last updated by the on 01.11.2024.